Many paths lead to sustainability. Our personal connection lies in our passion for forests and forestry. After many years of experience in the financial sector, in consulting and in public administration, it became increasingly clear that sustainability in business as well as in forestry are closely linked and can cross-fertilise each other.
Principles of good practice from forest management form a thematic bridge into the financial sector and the economy and offer orientation.
Even the term "sustainability" originally comes from forestry. It was first mentioned in a 300-year-old book, the Sylvicultura Oeconomica. The author, Hanns Carl von Carlowitz, is considered a mastermind of resource-conserving economic management and a critic of short-term profit orientation.
In view of a serious shortage of the raw material wood, he demanded that only as much wood should be felled as can grow back through planned sowing, reforestation and planting.
"Art, science, diligence and state order in our country are based on forest conservation and cultivation of trees. They grant continuous, steady as well as sustainable uses..." (Von Carlowitz, 1713)